By Kimmy Reinhardt
“Good music, in my opinion, is very imperative to a good life.”
With parents who have worked in the music field her whole life and a passion for lyrics, a career in music was never a question for Amy Held. The singer credits having God and family by her side and supporting her in following her dreams while still attending university. The sophomore has been writing songs since high school, and her first single was released in January of 2023.

Throughout her interview with Little Things Music, Held focused on the importance of music in her upbringing and how we experience life every day. The artist compared the songs we listen to in both our darkest and lightest moments to the soundtracks we hear on screen as we watch a story unfold. Held’s appreciation for music's role in people's lives is relatable to many music lovers: “Good music, in my opinion, is very imperative to a good life.”
Despite her young age, Held believes in her passion and abilities when it comes to creating music, for her music isn’t about major success but connection with listeners. Throughout her interview Held described the importance of someone finding a space in her music, even if it's just one person. “If one person listens to one of the songs that I pour hours and time and energy into, it’s hard to believe but I am perfectly content with that one person enjoying it”.
The artist focuses on songs that tell stories through lyricism, much like her inspiration, Taylor Swift. With backgrounds of love, hope, and innocence, Held shares her life experiences with fans who have often felt the same way.

As of February 16, Held has released her newest single Snow, a song inspired by a story her friend wrote following one of their conversations. Snow tells the story of innocence and the fear of what happens if you fall in love. When listening to Held’s newest single the listener feels the intensity behind the lyrics written.
While Snow is Held’s first single of the year, fans can look forward to more potential songs and shows in the coming months.
Find Amy Held Online
Instagram: @amynheld
TikTok: @sweetbabyamz
YouTube: Amy Held
Facebook: Amy Held
Spotify: Amy Held