By Madi Lindsey
In the bustling world of the music industry, American duo The Orphan The Poet, consisting of the talented David Elesgroth and Jake Floyd, have recently emerged like a blooming flower into a new era with their enchanting release titled "Daisies." This captivating song, accompanied by a mesmerizing music video, graced the world on January 30, 2024. A new era for the group is about to begin.
"Daisies" offers a glimpse into the profound feeling of being so deeply in love that nothing can stand in the way. No matter the obstacles or challenges that may arise between the couple, their bond remains unbreakable and unwavering. Even if the world were on the brink of destruction, as long as they are together, they find solace and a sense of home within each other. The lyrics, sung beautifully by The Orphan The Poet, convey this sentiment as they sing, "Say 'the storm will bring the daisies,' oh how you do that thing," followed by the uplifting declaration, "Go dancing in the rain, saying everything's alright, alright."
Complementing the release of the song, the music video debuted on the same day, providing a visual representation of the song's essence. The video opens with a delightful shot of a bee perched on a daisy, setting the tone for the vibrant and heartwarming imagery that follows. It then transitions to David and Jake energetically entering the frame in the scenic streets of Downtown Columbus, Ohio. David begins singing right away while Jake follows closely behind.
As the video progresses, the camera captures Jake and David running and singing while the background undergoes seamless transitions. Despite the changing environments, the duo remains in the center of the frame, symbolizing the unwavering focus on connection. Interspersed throughout the video are captivating b-roll shots of flowers, boots, a globe, hearts, and other visual elements that encapsulate the deeper meaning behind the song.
The Orphan The Poet takes the opportunity to share glimpses of their daily lives, showcasing the things they adore. These elements, such as vibrant colors and objects that bring them happiness, are woven into the fabric of their discography, live performances, and social media presence, creating a cohesive and authentic theme across all aspects of their artistic expression.
The Orphan The Poet will be rocking the stage alongside Noise Ctrl and CloudFlower in Columbus, Ohio, on February 3, 2024. The bands will be captivating the audience at the renowned Natalie's Music Hall, promising an unforgettable evening filled with heartfelt melodies and energetic performances.
In "Daisies" and their upcoming live show, The Orphan The Poet continues to captivate listeners with their unique blend of emotive songwriting, captivating vocals, and an infectious energy that resonates deep within the hearts of music lovers. Their dedication to their craft and genuine connection with their audience solidifies their status as rising stars in the music industry.
Be sure to check out The Orphan and the Poet online!