We’re only three months into the year, but the music releases so far have already proved to be far beyond our expectations. Here are five of Little Things Music’s favorite single releases of early 2023.

Wallflower by Doublecamp
A fun and unique song about coming out of your shell when you’re around someone who makes you feel safe and comfortable despite your usual wallflower tendencies. Throughout the song you hear the singer refer to “blooming” when he finds himself more comfortable in social situations thanks to his person being nearby.
Only Wanna Dance by Almost Monday
Only Wanna Dance is the perfect song to hold your own karaoke concert to in your living room or spend the night dancing with your favorite people. With a quick pace and beat, the song exemplifies musical skill, showcasing a fleeting night and wanting to spend it with the person you are with.

Character Development by Allison Ponthier
A magical and light song, Character Development, tells the experience of being treated poorly and eventually used by someone to show their growth through the struggle after the relationship has ended. Ponthier writes of an experience many can relate to, all put into a song you can spend the day dancing to.
Low AF by Olen
A song about finding someone who knows everything about you and the feelings that come from that realization. Olen showcases the want to be with someone and be understood and seen by them, all while still having to remain friends. Throughout the song Olen asks for reassurance that he will still be loved despite his highs and lows, a message many can relate to.

Songs About It by Cub Sport
A song reminiscent of popular 90’s music, Songs About It showcases a piano track throughout the release and airy vocals. The feeling of not wanting a moment with the person you love to end is present throughout. Songs About it is the newest release off of Cub Sport's upcoming album, Jesus at The Gay Bar, released this week.